
NameUintPriceSqftPPSqftRental priceBedroomsBathroomsFeaturesSales
10 £ 245,0000.000001
10A £ 875,0000.000002
12 £ 190,0000.000002
13 £ 505,0000.000004
16 £ 570,0000.000003
2 £ 199,9950.002002
5 £ 275,0000.000002
6 £ 260,0000.002001
7 £ 185,0000.000001
7A £ 400,0000.004001
9 £ 555,0000.000001
9A £ 260,0000.000001
Busy Bees £ 807,0260.000001
Hillcote £ 175,0000.000002
Holly Cottage £ 390,0000.000002
Homestead £ 472,5000.000001
Penny Lands £ 825,0000.007003
Sherborne Cottage £ 367,5000.000001
Sunnyside Cottages 6 £ 280,0000.000001
Sunnyside Cottages 2 £ 280,0000.000001
Sunnyside Cottages 3 £ 278,0000.000001
The Chapel 2 £ 268,0000.000002
The Chapel 1 £ 258,5000.000001
The Spinney £ 480,0000.000004
Weybrook View, 14 £ 995,0000.000001